

Kubernetes Administrator Certified Professional™

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Kubernetes Administrator Certified Professional™

TThe Kubernetes Administrator Certified Professional™ certification evaluates key skills and knowledge required to effectively administer and manage Kubernetes clusters. This certification is designed for professionals who are responsible for the installation, configuration, and management of Kubernetes clusters, ensuring they can handle complex deployments and maintain operational efficiency.

Here are the topics evaluated in this certification:

  • Kubernetes Architecture:
    • Understanding the architecture and components of Kubernetes, including API server, etcd, controllers, and kubelet.
    • Roles and responsibilities of different Kubernetes components.
    • Communication and interaction between Kubernetes components.
  • Installation and Configuration:
    • Installing and configuring a Kubernetes cluster.
    • Setting up Kubernetes on various environments including cloud platforms and on-premises.
    • Managing and customizing cluster configurations.
  • Workload Management:
    • Deploying, managing, and scaling applications in Kubernetes using pods, deployments, and replica sets.
    • Utilizing namespaces, labels, and selectors for organizing resources.
    • Managing stateful and stateless applications including persistent storage options.
  • Networking:
    • Configuring and managing networking in Kubernetes, including services, load balancing, and network policies.
    • Implementing ingress controllers and service meshes.
    • Troubleshooting network issues within Kubernetes clusters.
  • Security:
    • Implementing security best practices within Kubernetes environments.
    • Managing access control using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
    • Securing applications and data within the cluster.
  • Monitoring and Logging:
    • Setting up and managing monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana.
    • Implementing and managing logging solutions for Kubernetes.
    • Diagnosing and resolving issues using monitoring and logging data.
  • High Availability and Scalability:
    • Ensuring high availability of Kubernetes clusters and their components.
    • Implementing autoscaling for applications and infrastructure.
    • Strategies for resource management and load distribution.
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery:
    • Developing and implementing backup and recovery strategies.
    • Managing backups of Kubernetes resources and etcd data.
    • Planning and executing disaster recovery procedures.
  • Cluster Maintenance:
    • Performing Kubernetes upgrades and version management.
    • Maintaining cluster health through monitoring and proactive interventions.
    • Managing resource limits and quotas to ensure cluster stability.

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    Kubernetes Administrator Certified Professional™

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