

ISO 37301 Compliance Management Systems Certified Foundation SC-37301CF

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ISO 37301 Compliance Management Systems Certified Foundation SC-37301CF

Organizations that aim to be successful in the long term need to establish and maintain a culture of compliance, considering the needs and expectations of stakeholders. Compliance, therefore, is not only the foundation but also an opportunity for a successful and sustainable organization.

Compliance is a continuous process and the result of an organization meeting its obligations. Compliance becomes sustainable through its integration into the culture of an organization and into the behavior and attitudes of the people who work for it. While maintaining its independence, it is preferable that compliance management be integrated with the organization's other management processes and its operational requirements and procedures.

An effective compliance management system that encompasses the entire organization allows the organization to demonstrate its commitment to complying with relevant laws, regulatory requirements, industry codes, and organizational standards, as well as standards of good governance, generally accepted best practices, ethics, and community expectations.

An organization's approach to compliance involves leaders applying core values and generally accepted standards of good governance, ethics, and community standards. Incorporating compliance into the behavior of the people who work for an organization depends primarily on its leaders, at all levels, and on the existence of clear values within the organization, as well as the acceptance and implementation of measures that promote compliant behavior. If this does not happen at all levels of the organization, there is a risk of non-compliance.

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ISO 37301 Compliance Management Systems Certified Foundation SC-37301CF

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