

Data Analytics Certified Associate SC-DACA

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Data Analytics Certified Associate SC-DACA

The "Data Analytics Certified Associate" certification not only validates fundamental skills and competencies in data analytics but also emphasizes the art of storytelling with data. Successfully completing this certification is expected to demonstrate a solid set of analytical skills and knowledge in data handling, coupled with the ability to weave compelling narratives from the insights gained.

Knowledge Assessed in the Certification

  1. Understanding of Data Concepts:
  2. Programming and Tools Skills:
  3. Statistical Analysis:
  4. Data Visualization Power BI
  5. Data Processing and Cleaning:
  6. Interpretation and Communication of Results:
  7. Storytelling with Data:
  8. Ethics in Data Usage:
  9. Problem Solving:
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Data Analytics Certified Associate SC-DACA

Professional credibility

Sector recognition

Job opportunities

Career advancement

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